Monthly Archive: October 2017

Ingrid Goes West, 2017

Nobody plays the scary weirdo like Aubrey Plaza. This movie was disturbing on many levels.

Jungle, 2017

Pretty standard man vs nature story. I know it’s based on a true story but the last 15 minutes or so were way to schmaltzy for me.

Spielberg, 2017

A surprisingly candid Spielberg opens up about his early years but the film gets a little spotty covering the later years. It’s hard not be impressed by what he has created over the last 40+ years.

Hush, 2016

What a great twist on the home invasion genre. I was taken aback at how tense this movie was. I really got into it. A real treat for horror fans.

Super Dark Times, 2017

The most realistic portrayal of teenage boys since probably River’s Edge. A very strong feature debut from director Kevin Phillips.

Kuso, 2017

The ultimate movie endurance test. It really tried my patience but I made it to the end. I have no idea what happened.

WTF!, 2017

Some of the most unlikeable characters I’ve ever seen in a movie.

Gerald’s Game, 2017

I liked it a lot but it falls into the typical Stephen King formula – good first half, terrible last 10 minutes.

Bite, 2015

Fantastic practical effects, so-so story. It was hard to figure out the lead’s power set exactly, every few minutes she had some new disgusting way to kill people.