Monthly Archive: April 2020

Blood Quantum, 2019

I really liked this movie. The only problem I had with the movie is that I wish it spent more time with the main characters before everything went haywire. The world the filmmakers and actors built was so interesting I wanted more.

Extraction, 2020

Some great action scenes surrounding a so-so plot. The standout has to be the extended, no cuts car/foot chase in the beginning of the movie.

Bloodsucking Freaks, 1976

Sardu and Ralphus are great characters but this movie kind of drags. No real plot, just scene after scene.

Chopping Mall, 1986

One of the great 80s classics. Lots of fun and a breeze to watch. Plus you get the second best head explosion ever.

Underwater, 2020

Might have been better if they went all out and tied it into Cloverfield.

We, 2018

A beautifully shot “awful teenagers” movie. The over lapping story line idea was a good idea, I just wish there was a better story to tell.