Monthly Archive: October 2009



A new and fun twist on your standard killer kid flick. I’m really happy that Dark Castle is still around making these kind of movies.

A Perfect Getaway

A Perfect Getaway

A very satisfying little thriller from underrated director David Twohy. Some plot twists were easy to guess but that didn’t matter at all.



Not a bad little action movie but it could have been a little longer so more time could have been spent exploring this interesting world.

State Of Play

State Of Play

I’m always up for a good political thriller. This adaptation of the British series was a nice throwback to the films of the 1970s.



After the countless parodies I’m glad I made the time to watch the entire film. It is one of the better WW2 movies I’ve seen in a while.



From the opening notes of “For Whom The Bell Tools” to the over the top ending this was a really funny movie with some great gore.